二手KOBELCO SK210 挖掘机 | No. 2465-3

二手KOBELCO SK60 挖掘机 | No. 2465-4

  • 斗容/功率:0.3
  • 工作时间:≥2100 小时
  • 商品品牌:神钢
  • 商品库存: 1
  • 价格/报价:面议或电询
  • 本市场购买二手KOBELCO SK60 挖掘机 | No. 2465-4,全国免费送货
  • 商品点击数:4157
  • 用户评价:comment rank 5
  • 将此商品先收藏


Tiedou  China Used KOBELCO SK60 Excavator | No. 2465-4

We have fully maintained the excavator and passed the working test for more than 5 hours. You can buy it with confidence. We manually inspect the structure, circuit, pipeline and core components of each excavator. In addition to replacing the engine oil, three filters and hydraulic oil, we also replaced the grease of the excavator equipment. The test performance of the Kobelco SK60 excavator is very good. There is no obvious damage to the appearance, the wear gap of the whole machine is small, and the working efficiency performance is also satisfactory. If you need a small crawler excavator in the near future, this Kobelco SK60 is our way
