二手三一 75 挖掘机 No. 24223-2 二手三一 125 挖掘机 No. 2435-4

二手三一 75 挖掘机 No. 24223-3

  • 斗容/功率:43Kw/0.32
  • 工作时间:≥1421 小时
  • 商品品牌:三一
  • 商品库存: 1
  • 价格/报价:面议或电询
  • 本市场购买二手三一 75 挖掘机 No. 24223-3,全国免费送货
  • 商品点击数:4157
  • 用户评价:comment rank 5
  • 将此商品先收藏


Used Sany 75 Excavator No. 24223-3 information and parameter configuration

Working hours: 1421

Work environment: Urban earthmoving

Hydraulic crushing: not installed or used

Origin: Made in China

Test report: No. 24223-3 Sany 75 mainstream model, equipped with Isuzu EFI engine, has high fuel economy and meets the environmental protection requirements of various countries. The pressure test performance is perfect, the movement is smooth, and it can be easily used in various projects.

Comprehensive report: Low price, strong overall quality, and long service life.
