二手斗山 DH220-7 tire 挖掘机 | No. 24531-5 二手斗山 DH225-9 挖掘机 | No. 24531-3

二手斗山 DH220-7 挖掘机 | No. 24531-4

  • 斗容/功率:1.1
  • 工作时间:≥4500 小时
  • 商品品牌:斗山
  • 商品库存: 1
  • 价格/报价:面议或电询
  • 本市场购买二手斗山 DH220-7 挖掘机 | No. 24531-4,全国免费送货
  • 商品点击数:4157
  • 用户评价:comment rank 5
  • 将此商品先收藏


China Tiedou used Doosan DH220-7 excavator | No. 24531-4 Test results:

Before the test, we performed comprehensive maintenance on the excavator, replaced the excavator's lubricating oil, engine oil, replaced three filters, and manually checked the excavator's structural damage and circuit oil circuit. Everything is normal. The performance of this excavator is very good, with a low price and excellent working performance. It can be said to be a very popular excavator. Of course, it is not suitable for you if you pursue high quality, but if you have budget requirements, then this Doosan 220 is for you
