¥面议或电询二手卡特 CAT312D 挖掘机|No.2461-1


  • 真实车源
  • 产权清晰
  • 非事故车
  • 非翻新车

  China Tiedou Used Caterpillar CAT312D Excavator|No.2461-1 Second-hand Excavator Basic Information:

  Used Caterpillar CAT312D Excavator|No.2461-1 Test Record Report:

  Passed the equipment test, found that two seals had oil leakage and have been replaced, and the excavator paint was worn and TD has repainted. Work data detection and manual inspection of the excavator's engine peak power in the working state and idle stability in the idle state were routinely tested. Monitor the water tank temperature and the hydraulic oil temperature is normal. The climbing ability of the excavator's travel motor is normal, the excavator structure is not damaged, the interior of the cab is clean and slightly worn. TD has carried out comprehensive maintenance on the excavator equipment, replaced the engine oil and three filters, replaced the excavator hydraulic oil, and replaced the excavator lubricating oil to ensure that the equipment is in the best working condition.

  Overall evaluation of the whole machine: A

  Used Caterpillar CAT312D Excavator|No.2461-1 Product introduction:

  The Caterpillar CAT312D series is a very stable and classic model. Although it has been discontinued, it has many users in the world. The accessories are easy to buy, the maintenance cost is low, and the current price is cheap. For users, it is a used excavator that is worth buying. The reference price of the CAT312 series in the TD used excavator market is 26.000-35.000 US dollars. The price is based on the factory date, use environment, equipment wear, performance and other reasons. TD welcomes users or professional technicians to test the excavator on site.

