¥面议或电询二手卡特 CAT301.5 挖掘机 | No. 24518-1


  • 真实车源
  • 产权清晰
  • 非事故车
  • 非翻新车

  CAT301.5 | No. 24518-1 (Basic information on hand construction machinery)

  CAT301.5 | No. 24518-1 test record report:

  Caterpillar Mini excavator CAT301.5 test standard. The structure and appearance wear and tear of the entire excavator were tested by personnel based on the Mini test standard. No damage to the structure was found. The original paint was used and worn. The open cab seats and There is slight wear on the decorative parts, and the engine meets the usage standards at the simulated working test temperature, normal engine speed, normal maximum power output, normal hydraulic pump and walking rotation test. The telescopic function of the chassis is normal, the movement of the whole machine is smooth and silky, and the operation is sensitive. Overall evaluation: perfect

  CAT301.5 | No. 24518-1 Product Introduction:

  The CAT 301.5 Mini excavator has very reliable mechanical quality and performance. In particular, this model has excellent working performance, high working efficiency, long service life and stable working reliability, making this excavator popular in cities. It can also be easily handled in farms or harsh working environments. The current average market price of used TD excavators is 12.000-18.000 US dollars. Due to the small size of the equipment and low shipping costs, the price of this CAT301.5 for personal use or corporate users is still excellent. The performance won't let you down.

