¥面议或电询二手小松 PC60-8 挖掘机 | No. 24511-1


  • 真实车源
  • 产权清晰
  • 非事故车
  • 非翻新车

Komatsu PC60-8 | No. 24511-1 (Basic information on second-hand construction machinery)

Komatsu PC60-8 | No. 24511-1 test record report:

The testing standards range from basic testing to working testing and excavator structural testing to meet usage standards without trauma and manual repair. Before the equipment test, the engine oil, hydraulic oil third filter and the equipment's sealed circuit oil circuit were replaced through full vehicle maintenance. During the standard test, the engine temperature, power speed, maximum output flow of the hydraulic pump and the excavation force of the excavator equipment were comprehensively tested. The data analysis complies with the current equipment usage requirements. There is no deformation or damage to the chassis structure. The equipment has local paint wear and can be repaired later with customer paint. The interior of the cab has minor wear, is clean and beautiful, overall rating is excellent

Komatsu PC60-8 | No. 24511-1 Product Introduction:

The Komatsu PC60 series, which is based on an electronic injection engine, is an excellent small excavator with excellent fuel economy and fast work efficiency. Currently, the average price of this model in the TD used excavator market ranges from 14,000 to 22,000 US dollars. The choice of price range, as Komatsu's mainstream model equipment, the auxiliary electronic driving makes the equipment information clear at a glance, excellent driving comfort, long-term working ability, reduced fatigue, individuals or companies use this excavator. We highly recommend it.

