¥面议或电询神钢 SK75 挖掘机 No. 24430-3


  • 真实车源
  • 产权清晰
  • 非事故车
  • 非翻新车

Kobelco SK75 Excavator No. 24430-3 (Data Introduction)

Test Report: Kobelco SK75 Excavator No. 24430-3

For this Kobelco SK75 excavator equipped with ISUZU 4LE2XCUA engine, the maximum power output of the engine remains at its peak during operation. The pressure test did not show any engine speed slowdown or abnormal shaking. The cab is clean and beautiful. The chassis structure is not damaged. For possible wear on the excavator track, customers can provide free replacement of the excavator according to their actual needs. The walking speed and excavator digging force of the excavator meet the use standards.

Kobelco SK75 Excavator No. 24430-3 is made in China. The Kobelco SK75-8 equipped with the electronic injection ISUZU 4LE2XCUA engine shows you not only Kobelco's excellent mechanical technology, reliable and low failure rate, further improve fuel economy without losing performance, low failure rate, even if you are in remote areas, you can use it with confidence, comfortable cab operation quietness, long-term operation less fatigue a

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