¥面议或电询二手CAT306 挖掘机 No. 24228-1


  • 真实车源
  • 产权清晰
  • 非事故车
  • 非翻新车

Used Carter CAT306 excavator No. 24228-1 Basic information and parameter configuration

Working hours: 516

Working environment: Stock test machine

Hydraulic crushing: not installed or used

Origin: Made in China (joint venture)

Test report: No. 24228-1 21 items of the CAT306 test were passed perfectly. The engine has strong performance, no faults and no maintenance, no CAT306 fault codes, the hydraulic system performs perfectly, the whole machine has no oil leakage, the cab is clean and beautiful, and the usage rate is low. Original parts, easy to work at idle speed

Recommendation: Super long service life, stable and reliable, low failure rate, perfect machine performance, high fuel economy, perfect for use in various small projects

