¥面议或电询二手KOBELCO SK270 挖掘机 | No. 2464-8


  • 真实车源
  • 产权清晰
  • 非事故车
  • 非翻新车

Tiedou China Used KOBELCO SK270 Excavator | No. 2464-8

We have tested and maintained the excavator equipment, so you can buy and use it with confidence. We have repainted the excavator if it is worn out. If you don't like this excavator, you can choose another one.

We promise that the core parts of the excavator are not repaired or modified. The peak performance of the engine is stable during operation, the operating temperature is normal, the excavator works smoothly, the excavator has excellent climbing ability, and no abnormalities are found in the whole machine.

